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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

-Trust is like a mirror..once its BROKEN you can never look at it the same again...
-It wasn't your fault, it was mine for believing every word u said.

-Never trust someone who lies to you.
-Never lie to someone who trusts you.
-Trust no one, tell your secrets to nobody and no one will ever betray you.
-I've learned the best way to prevent your heart from getting broken, is to act like you don't have one.

-'What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can longer believe you.'
-Behind every girl who don't trust is a boy who taught her to be that way...

-She Has Secrets You'll Never Know Or Understand,

She Appears So Strong On The Outside,
But On The Inside Her World Is Spinnin Upside Down.
Shes Smiling And Standing Tall to the Outer World,
Shes Crying And Breaking Down In Her Inner World.

She Appears So Happy to Her Mates,
But Alone, She Shares Her Tears With Her Pillow.
She Knows Not to Get Her Hopes Up,
As They Always Come Crashing Down.
Shes Heard It All Before and Felt It All.
Shes Experienced More Then Her Fair Share.
1 Touch, & She'll Flinch
1 Harsh, Word & She'll Cry
1 Bad Moment, & She'll Break Down

She Trusts No one, Because The People She Has, Hurt Her & Leave Her to Pick Up The Pieces
She Believes No one, Because The People She Has, Lie & Betray Her.
So For Now She'll Keep to Herself & Pretend Everything Is Fine, When Everything Is Wrong

I Know This Girl, Because This Girl...
Is Me.
-Every friendship, every relationship, is bound to fall apart when you start keeping things to yourself.
Secrets don't destroy things...but suspicion does..

-Carmen: How come it's easy for us to be mad at the people we trust?
Tibby: Because you know that they'll love you no matter what.
-The worst part about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth.
-Sometimes . . . you've got to be hurt before you can move on. And that makes you stronger. But at other times . . . you get hurt . . . and you can never trust again.
The truth is, I'm not mad at you. I'm just hurt; and the fact that every time your name pops up on my phone or computer, my heart sinks a little bit deeper. You don't realize what you've made me go through; but I can guarantee you're not doing it again. Thanks for teaching me just how much it hurts to be played with....learned a lot.
I believe that allowing someone to remain a part of your life after they've betrayed or hurt you is simply giving them permission and opportunity to do it again
Of course he catches me when i'm falling, but he's the one who dropped me.
'hope this makes sense to more than just me'
Sometimes when people lie, It's only because, knowing that the truth would hurt so bad, they would hate to see you cry.
The worst of betrayals is by those who you trust most. Beware.

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